What are we doing?
Teaching that a growth mindset helps us to live life to
the full appreciation of our ethnic, physical, religious
and cultural diversity.
Teaching:" What I think about myself and how I learn
has an impact on my achievement."
Why are we doing this?
'Diversity' is one of the 4 pillars in our school.
Children with a growth mindset find it easier to
participate in learning because they have an
understanding of themselves as a good learner.
How will it benefit my child?
Your child's academic achievement will grow because they are able to :
- take on challenges.
- keep trying when things are hard.
- put in effort.
- accept feedback and criticism.
- be inspired by peers and celebrate their successes.
- learn, improve and succeed.
Your child's participation, concentration, persistence & engagement will be
positively influenced.
Your child's self-concept as a good learner will grow.
Your child's life long learning skills will be developed over the 7 years of primary
schooling, to support them in high school and the life beyond.
Good Diversity ... for today, tomorrow and into the future.