Good Faith

​​Good Faith ... for today, tomorrow and into the future.​​


What are we doing?

Articulating what 'good faith' is.
Creating a solid link between the Parish Church and
the school as the framework comes from the
OLW Parish Vision Statement.
Providing your child with 'best practice' developed
from staff involvement in professional development.






Why are we doing this?

'Faith' is one of the 4 pillars in our school.
We want staff, students and parents to have a clear understanding of what this pillar

means and to explicitly teach this to our learners. 
We are responding to the recommendations made to us from the Catholic Identity
Project for us to build and sustain our Catholic Identity.


How will it benefit my child?

Your child's academic achievement will grow because:
  • Your child's religious literacy will increase.
  • Your child will learn respect and tolerance for belief systems and worshippers.
  • Your child will learn about the religious icons in the school.
  • Your child will learn how to interpret historical and biblical text.
  • Your child will learn about a Marion (Mary) perspective of the Catholic Faith.
Your child's participation, concentration, persistence & engagement will be
positively influenced.
Your child's self-concept as a good learner will grow.
Your child's life long learning skills will be developed over the 7 years of primary
schooling, to support them in high school and the life beyond.

Good Faith ... for today, tomorrow and into the future.​